Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Devon Forces Family Web Site

This website- been developed by the Devon Armed Forces Community Wellbeing Partnership (DAFCWP). This partnership provides strategic direction to improve the health and wellbeing of the Armed Forces Community living in Devon.

In September 2014 the DAFCWP published a South West Peninsula Veteran’s Health Needs Assessment. This report found that, of the approximately 107,000 veterans living in Devon, a large proportion had a positive experience of serving in the Armed Forces. However, a minority experienced adverse physical and mental health problems, which could be compounded by other factors such as financial and welfare problems.

This website provides an online directory of services provided for service leavers, veterans, reservists and their families living in Devon. It provides topic overviews, links to relevant information and services and access to support, including those leaving prison -

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