Monday, March 23, 2009

'Locked Up Potential', - The Centre for Social Justice publishes it report on Prison Reform

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) today launched its report for Prison Reform. Recognising that the current provision is failing badly, the report widens the debate with proposals for radical change within the Justice System, including the provision of local Community Prison and Rehabilitation Trusts (CPRTs). Modelled on NHS Trusts, the new CPRTs will be given responsibility for the provision of local prisons, the delivery of joined up programmes of rehabilitation and the overall reduction of re-offending within their areas.

For anyone interested in seeing real change and improvements in the reduction of re-offending and the saving of millions of pounds and many thousands of wasted lives, the full report is highly recommended. It can be accessed via the CSJ website at or via the link at the Comment and Opinion section on the right side of this page.

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