Friday, September 28, 2007

Life Change UK delivers its innovative 'Train the Trainer' programme

With higher re-offending rates and an increasing prison population, there is growing recognition that punishment, by itself, does not work. Equally, despite efforts to to do so, the delivery of education, learning and support to offenders and other de-motivated people is not as effective as it needs to be. One of the major weaknesses is the lack of training and understanding by those required to work with such groups.

Borne out of considerable experience in working with young adult persistent male offenders and young people with special educational and motivational needs, the Life Change UK programme ‘Managing Attitudinal Change and Challenging Behaviour’ is designed specifically to assist others working with challenging behaviour to do so more effectively. Having delivered the programme to individuals from various organisations, Life Change UK has already earned praise for the benefits and skills that it provided.

Importantly, the programme provides increased understanding of the soft skills and key issues involved. Through the provision of various practical communication tools the training improves levels of interpersonal communication, increases self-confidence, reduces stress and enhances outcomes. The training is ideal for teachers, prison and probation officers, youth justice and social workers, parents and foster parents and those working in the private and voluntary sectors where challenging behaviour and motivation is an issue. The complete programme consists of nine units delivered over 5 days; however, bespoke shorter packages can be tailored to meet the specific needs of recipients.

Validated by the University of Plymouth for possible use within its new teaching courses, the LSC has recently provided early funding for the delivery of a pilot course for staff from different training organisations in Devon and Cornwall, all of whom work with offenders, ex-offenders and long-term unemployed people. Requests for other training has also been received.

By the end of January 2008 a basic Induction and Foundation course will be available on-line for those working within the associated sectors. It is planned that this will subsequently be developed to levels 2 - 4 for use within the revised teaching qualifications.

Anyone interested in this training is encouraged to look at the Life Change UK web site - and to contact us.